Ralph Mayer(1895-1979)
circa 1940
30 x 40 oil on canvas
m Butler Institute of American Art
Education : Renssaelaer Polytechnic Institute; Art Students League.
Member : American Art Congress.
Author : The Artists Handbook of Materials and Techniques
from an artist supplied vita
Background :
Born in New York City. Moved to Syracuse, NY and was reared there. Nephew of Dr. Maximilian Toch, a famous paint chemist from whom he received his education as a paint chemist. His grandfather founded a paint business in this country in 1848, which became one of the country’s leading manufacturers in its field.
Education : Educated as chemical engineer at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Eleven years experience in all branches of paint and varnish manufacture.
Activities in Art Technology : Conservation of paintings, museum and private practive. Consultant in technology of paints and painting, and development of new processes. Chairman U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Standard for Artists Oil Colors. Founder and Director, Artists Technical Research Institute.
Teaching : On staff of Columbia University for 18 years, giving a unique original course on artists painting materials and techniques, upon which courses all over the country were patterned. Lecture courses at the New School for Social Research for five years. Other course and lectures in numerous colleges, and art schools, including the Art Students League and Silvermine College of Art. Consultant to many artists.
Creative Activities : Studied at Art Students League and privately. Active painter and exhibitor since 1927. Many exhibitions in various parts of the country,member several artists groups, work in many collections.
Publications : The Artist’s Handbook of Materials and Techniques, Viking Press, 1940, revised 1957. British edition revised 1962, Spanish edition also. The Painter’s Craft, D. Van Nostrand Co. 1948, revised 1966. Numerous contributions monthly column in Art Digest and Arts Magazine 1952-1958. Technical editor monthly page, American Artists Magazine since 1961. Journals and magazines. Lengthy contributions to Encyclopedia Britannica, and other encyclopedias.
Painting Fellowships : John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1952. Huntington Hartford Foundation 1957. MacDowell Colony 1960 and 1961. Artists Residence Hydra Greece 1964.
Memberships : Fellow American Institute of Chemsits, Fellow International Institute for Conservation, Board of Governors, American Society of Contemporary Artists.