Franca Bruna Benvenuta Corcos [1910-1980]
Greek island, 1966.
Oil on board
20 x 24 inches
Artist indicated on exhibition label on verso.
Marking type: Handwritten in ballpoint pen exhibition number surrounded by a box.
Location: Center board verso.
Text: ‘NDA / 775’.
Marking type: White printed and handwritten rectangular horizontal exhibition label.
Location: Board verso at lower left.
Text: ‘Sezione della F.I.D.A.P.A. e Soroptimist Club de Napoli / 3 Mostra Nazionale d’Arte – Anno 1966 / [line] / Cognome e nome CORCOS FRANCA / Indirizzo V. CAVOUR, M. FIRENZE / Titolo dell’ opera ISOLA GRECA / Prezzo 150.000 [Section of F.I.D.A.P.A. and Soroptimist Club de Napoli / 3 National Art Exhibition – Year 1966 / Surname and name CORCOS FRANCA / Address V. CAVOUR, M. FIRENZE / Title of the work GREEK ISLAND / Price 150,000]’.
1966 3rd Annual National Art Exhibition of the Soroptimist Club de Napoli [Women’s Club of Naples], Italy ;